Zeile -> Spalte
Spalte -> Ziffer
Ziffer -> Zeile
Lösungscode: Zeilen 2 und 7
am 19. Mai 2021, 11:38 Uhr von SlowLarry
Changed faulty f-puzzles link
am 15. September 2020, 01:38 Uhr von PureImprov
Thanks! Beautiful idea :)
am 3. August 2020, 23:07 Uhr von Madmahogany
Incredible idea, a great workout in visualization
am 25. Juni 2020, 16:02 Uhr von SlowLarry
f-puzzles Link hinzugefügt
am 25. Mai 2020, 18:14 Uhr von SlowLarry
@Phistomephel Thank you. There is some quite interesting theory behind this, but this is of course not the place to lay it down. Maybe I'll post something in the forum at some point.
Also I was wondering what a better setter, such as yourself, could do with this kind of symmetry.
am 25. Mai 2020, 16:25 Uhr von Phistomefel
Cool idea! I first had to wrap my head around the mappings between row, column and digit and later, I had to unwind my brain again. Nice puzzle, but I found it hard to get an intuition for what exactly was happening.
am 24. Mai 2020, 15:24 Uhr von Mody
am 24. Mai 2020, 03:13 Uhr von SlowLarry
Maybe I should give a hint:
There is a fundamental property for horizontal and also vertical triples within a box such as the 18 cage.
am 22. Mai 2020, 01:20 Uhr von SirWoezel
Great puzzle!