Kakuro Series 6: Easy as Kakuro
(Eingestellt am 16. Mai 2020, 16:15 Uhr von Puzzle_Maestro)
This is a variation of Kakuro and Easy as ABC.
Enter a single digit from 1 to 9 or letter from K, A, U, R, O into each cell so that each full row and column contains each letter exactly once. A number clue indicates the sum of the digits in the across or down entry. No digit is repeated within an entry (but digits may repeat within a full row or column). A letter clue indicates the first letter seen from that direction after the clue: letter clues can 'see' through clue squares.
All letter clues point downwards or to the right, apart from those on the bottom and right borders of the grid, which point leftwards or upwards.
Interactive version available
Lösungscode: Zeile 4 (11 Felde), Spalte 13 (11 Felde)
Gelöst von rob, Zzzyxas, NikolaZ, bob, cdwg2000, pirx, moss, zuzanina, zorant, ManuH, sf2l, ibag, cornuto, Statistica, Mody, r45, Ours brun, ch1983, skywalker, Realshaggy, HaSe, misko, AnnaTh, Alex, ffricke, ... Circleconstant314, mandourin, glum_hippo, matter, apiad, Krokant, HugoSimon, Uhu, FzFeather, PreparingFiles, polar, EKBM, PixelPlucker, Vebby, Errorandy, Saskia, ONeill, Agent, Saskia24, abed hawila
am 12. Januar 2024, 04:30 Uhr von Agent
Awesome puzzle, expertly constructed!
am 9. September 2020, 00:13 Uhr von Krokant
Really enjoyable!
am 27. Juli 2020, 16:56 Uhr von glum_hippo
Wollte gerade meine erste 5-Sterne Rätsel-Lösung verbuchen, und es sind doch nur 4; ich lach mich kaputt!
Aber: wunderschönes Ding, und so elegant vor allem. Ich bin zutiefst beeindruckt!!
am 19. Juli 2020, 16:32 Uhr von mandourin
I'll quote Simon Anthony: "This is a work of sublime genius." It took me 90 minutes on my fourth try but every second of this struggle was worth it.
am 23. Mai 2020, 23:02 Uhr von HaSe
Großartig - und nur für hoch Konzentrierte
am 23. Mai 2020, 19:40 Uhr von Realshaggy
am 23. Mai 2020, 10:36 Uhr von ch1983
am 19. Mai 2020, 07:19 Uhr von Mody
am 16. Mai 2020, 20:40 Uhr von Puzzle_Maestro
@Mody Yes. All letter clues which are not on the bottom/right border point right or down.
am 16. Mai 2020, 20:21 Uhr von Mody
Dann geht das "U" in Zeile4/Spalte6 also nach rechts?