Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Coordinates Sudoku - Loops

(Eingestellt am 29. April 2020, 22:30 Uhr von stephane.bura)

Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each cell of the grid so that every row, column and outlined 3x3 region contains each digit exactly once.

Each of the 9 regions is associated with one digit, shown as its background. Inside a region, if two neighboring digits – orthogonally or diagonally – are the coordinates in the grid of the associated digit, a line must join them. In this puzzle, the coordinates (1,1) indicate the top left corner of the grid.


Since 2 and 6 are joined by a line in the 1 region, one or two of the cells marked by a star must contain a 1.

Since 6 and 8 are neighbors in the 1 region but are not joined by a line, the cells marked by a cross cannot contain a 1.

Penpa-Edit link for this puzzle to play it online.


Lösungscode: Row 2, column 6

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Dezember 2020, 17:47 Uhr

Gelöst von NikolaZ, cdwg2000, marcmees, Julianl, zhergan, zorant, Ours brun, bob, rimodech, Imperial Marcher, geronimo92, ch1983, Richard, Yohann, Alphish, FlareglooM, Nylimb, r45, rcg, Rollo, adam001, Realshaggy, polar, Krokant, BlueShifted, SudokuExplorer, marsigel, isajo4002
Komplette Liste


am 13. Dezember 2020, 17:47 Uhr von stephane.bura
Updated link

am 13. Dezember 2020, 12:25 Uhr von stephane.bura
Added a line. Thanks adam001 and Realshaggy!

am 30. Oktober 2020, 22:08 Uhr von Rollo
Sehr schön und noch schwieriger als 3EC.

am 16. Juli 2020, 21:58 Uhr von stephane.bura
Added Penpa link. Thank you Alice!

am 16. Juli 2020, 21:01 Uhr von Alphish
(for solvers: you might want to use the board I set up in Penpa: https://tinyurl.com/y983hozy)

Once I grasped the rules and figured out the logic, it was a pretty pleasant solve. I needed to pay attention to coordinates, but I didn't find it particularly difficult (maybe a little time-consuming). Well done. ^^

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:28 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal


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