Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chinese Dragon (and his 9 sons)

(Eingestellt am 24. April 2020, 06:37 Uhr von Strosahl)

In addition to normal sudoku rules, you must place 4 straight triominoes and 4 L-shaped triominoes, each containing a 9 and a unique 2-digit multiple of 9 (918, 927, 936, etc), and one monomino that contains the final 9.

The 3 digits can go in any direction, but are always counted starting at the 9. (e.g. both triominoes below are '981').

Lösungscode: Rows 5 and 9

Gelöst von ManuH, Ours brun, marcmees, ch1983, dm_litv, jessica6, skywalker, bob, saskia-daniela, Mody, Joe Average, Julianl, zorant, NikolaZ, Realshaggy, rimodech, sf2l, geronimo92, ildiko, isajo4002
Komplette Liste


am 26. April 2020, 12:06 Uhr von Joe Average
They don't overlap.

am 26. April 2020, 08:39 Uhr von sf2l
Can a digit be part of more than one trimino? In other words can the trimnos overlap?

Bewertung:71 %
Gelöst:20 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal


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