Hidden Clones Sudoku 6
(Published on 29. April 2020, 04:00 by Eggr)
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
The grey cells form a 'cloned' region, which appears 7 times within the grid (1 Given + 6 Hidden).
Each of the clones is an
exact copy of the others; same digits, same configuration, rotations and reflections are
not allowed.
Additional Restriction: In this puzzle all 7 clones must touch each other (orthogonal or diagonal) to form a single connected group
F-Puzzle link to solve online
Don't forget the extra restriction: "All 7 clones
must touch each other (orthogonal or diagonal) to form a single connected group"
If you're struggling to get started, highlight the text below to reveal a general strategy recommendation:
Pick one cell of the clone to be your anchor, then color the entire grid based on where the hidden anchor(s) can and cannot be. A few rows/columns around the perimeter of the grid can always be eliminated based on the shape of the clone. Additionally, basic sudoku rules prevent two anchors from ever being in the same row, column or box. As you solve, continue eliminating any anchor placements that would force contradictions, and eventually it will reveal where the hidden clones must be. [/Hint]
The Series:
This puzzle belongs to 7 part series of daily "Hidden Clones Sudoku" puzzles. The links below will work as they become available.
The digits in each puzzles clone will be required to solve the bonus puzzle.
Inspired by Sam Cappleman-Lynes "Hidden Clone" Sudoku
Created by Greg Rodgers Powers
Solution code: Rows 5 and 8
Last changed on on 21. February 2021, 08:33
Solved by cdwg2000, ManuH, zhergan, Fredo, NikolaZ, jessica6, geronimo92, skywalker, Ours brun, sloffie, Circleconstant314, OJPS, Eloi.blok, Nothere, sf2l, zorant, Mesmer, ch1983, KlausRG, Statistica, Julianl, ... bob, Marijana, AnnaTh, moss, anu_chakravarti, jkl, marsigel, SKORP17, SudokuExplorer, tinounou, bigger, Tajgero, WallE-93, ParaNox, apwelho, kurland, ildiko, zrbakhtiar, Johan, Gotroch, starelev5
on 21. February 2021, 08:33 by Eggr
F-Puzzle link, Thanks @Tajgero
on 18. February 2021, 12:15 by Tajgero
Puzzle link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ybkruyo3