Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Thermo - Little Killer Sudoku

(Published on 21. March 2020, 13:29 by JonaS2010)

Someone had to do it, so here is a Sudoku themed around the Coronavirus. Stay safe and healthy!

Rules: Standard Sudoku Rules, (digits 1-9 one in each row, column and region). Digits in Thermometers have to increase strictly from the bulb to the end. Outside clues with arrows indicate the sum in the direction of the arrow. Digits may repeat in a sum.

Solution code: Row 5, Row 9

Solved by Joe Average, Feadoor, cdwg2000, karzym, ManuH, adam001, 111chrisi, Rollo, saskia-daniela, bob, Nylimb, Zzzyxas, Mody, marcmees, Julianl, sfumato, ropeko, mandourin, geronimo92, rimodech, zhergan, ... Greg, Kigor, morgannamodeaura, cfop, Crul, vmirandaa, apwelho, sandmoppe, marsigel, starelev5, PinkNickels, zuzanina, Ximota, EKBM, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, Gotroch, josemadre, Schesam, mango
Full list


on 1. December 2020, 05:40 by jchan18

on 22. March 2020, 15:26 by Statistica
Ich find's gut :-)

on 22. March 2020, 00:50 by cdwg2000
Since the closure of Wuhan on January 23, I have completed 448 questions on the website.

Last changed on 22. March 2020, 00:43

on 22. March 2020, 00:42 by cdwg2000
Stay home, stay healthy and solve puzzles!

on 22. March 2020, 00:36 by cdwg2000
More effective indoor personal protection measures in Wuhan, China:
1) Open windows frequently in the room, and often ventilate.
2) Family members do not share towels, and keep home and tableware clean.
3) Do not spit. Cover the mouth and nose with paper towels and discard in a covered trash bin.
4) Pay attention to nutrition and exercise moderately.
5) Do not contact, buy and eat wild animals (ie game); try to avoid going to markets that sell live animals (poultry, seafood, wild animals, etc.).
6) Materials such as thermometers, medical surgical masks or N95 masks, household disinfection supplies, etc.

good luck!

on 21. March 2020, 23:42 by zhergan
Stay home and stay healthy. Be safe..

on 21. March 2020, 18:21 by sfumato
Really fun solve! Flying start, couple of sticky points in the middle, satisfying conclusion!

on 21. March 2020, 17:06 by marcmees
Time to apply some logic in everyday life. Stay inside.All stay well.

on 21. March 2020, 16:37 by JonaS2010
Note: The variant name was completely unintentional and may be a bit unfortunate. I certainly didn't want to offend anyone. I hope you enjoy the puzzle, even if you don't like the theme.

on 21. March 2020, 16:23 by cdwg2000

Maybe, you can send me your question, E-mail: 2088426@qq.com, and I will reply you as soon as possible after I go online.

on 21. March 2020, 16:16 by cdwg2000

Maybe i can help you

on 21. March 2020, 15:35 by Dandelo
BTW, I know that there are several active puzzlers from China in the portal. Can someone help me with a question regarding Chinese language? If yes, please send me a personal message in the forum.

on 21. March 2020, 15:25 by Dandelo
Naja, es ist weit und breit das einzige Thema, in den Nachrichten, im Radio, in Gesprächen, im Job, im Supermarkt. Warum dann nicht in Rätseln?

on 21. March 2020, 15:22 by flaemmchen
Rätsel um das Corona-Virus zu machen finde ich ein bisschen grenzwertig :-((

on 21. March 2020, 14:19 by cdwg2000
Haha, it's best to stay away from fever, that's the Big Killer! I am in Wuhan, China, I am fine, I hope you are all good!

on 21. March 2020, 14:00 by Feadoor
I suppose the thermometers represent the fever, and the Little Killer... well, we'd better not go there.

Rating:90 %
Solved:87 times
Observed:13 times

Puzzle variant Filling puzzle

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