Lösungscode: Für jede Zeile von oben nach unten die Anzahl der Felder, die nicht von der Country Road besucht werden.
am 23. Juni 2022, 14:33 Uhr von akodi
Wenn der Groschen mal wieder in Zeitlupe fällt...
Sehr schön!
am 20. April 2022, 19:30 Uhr von Dandelo
@CookieWookie: It's always a good idea to look into the Wiki, click on the labels/tags or go to janko.at if something is unclear.
am 20. April 2022, 18:49 Uhr von Dandelo
@CookieWookie: At http://wiki.logic-masters.de/index.php?title=Ber%C3%83%C2%BChrungsrundweg/de and http://wiki.logic-masters.de/index.php?title=Country_Road/en you find examples for both types.
am 5. April 2022, 09:31 Uhr von Phistomefel
Dankeschön, Statistica! Freut mich, wenn's gefallen hat. :)
am 5. April 2022, 09:20 Uhr von Phistomefel
Rule clarification
am 5. April 2022, 08:04 Uhr von Statistica
Große klasse. Wenn! der Groschen erst einmal gefallen ist, sogar schön einfach.
am 3. April 2022, 17:26 Uhr von Phistomefel
Rule clarification
am 2. April 2022, 22:07 Uhr von Jds2
Any bonus points for doing this while driving through the Blue Ridge Mountains in West Virginia?
And I do think the hardness rating will have a binomial distribution depending on how easily the break-in was achieved.
Reply: This definitely earns you some bonus points. :) Thanks for the solve, Jds2!
am 2. April 2022, 09:02 Uhr von Phistomefel
Thank you all for the kind feedback! As for the difficulty, I found it particularly hard to estimate on this puzzle, since it largely depends on how long it takes one to find the break-in. So, I am curious to learn about the average perceived difficulty of this puzzle, if it gets enough ratings.
am 2. April 2022, 02:37 Uhr von cmb
Really nice.
Steep initial step but consistently beautiful.
am 1. April 2022, 12:27 Uhr von Jesper
Great idea and very well executed! I like puzzles that make you think. I would tend to agree that the difficulty level is probably less than 4 stars for most solvers (my solving time in Penpa was similar to 2-star puzzles), however I would expect there will be a wide range of perceived difficulty here.
am 1. April 2022, 12:03 Uhr von Vebby
Very unusual and interesting logic, thanks for the treat Phistomefel! :)
am 1. April 2022, 10:42 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Wonderful puzzle with some really new cool logic! Requires more careful thought than hard work, finishing up the puzzle is pleasantly easy once the right initial deductions are made. Thank you Phistomefel!
am 1. April 2022, 02:37 Uhr von Phistomefel
Updated link
am 1. April 2022, 01:55 Uhr von Dandelo
Naja, soo schwer fand ich es jetzt nicht. Aber trotzdem schön!
am 1. April 2022, 01:19 Uhr von GrizzledStoat
Shouldn't "Edge" be available as a Mode in order to draw the Slitherlink?
Reply: Sorry - I forgot to mention that you can use "Composite -> Loop -> Edge x" which is preset which allows you to draw edges and X out not needed edges. I updated the link nontheless to avoid confusion. Thanks for the note! :)