Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Prime Killer Sudoku

(Published on 9. February 2020, 20:50 by Shinya)

Standard sudoku rules apply. Digits in an area enclosed with a dotted line (a 'cage') must add up to a prime number. Digits must not repeat in a single cage. Orthogonally adjacent cages must add up to different primes, unless they are connected by an equals sign (=). If connected with an equals sign, sums must be equal. A comparison sign (>) between 2 cells indicates the bigger/smaller number.

Solution code: Zeile 6, Spalte 6

Solved by cdwg2000, Julianl, siuminaga, tuace, Statistica, marcmees, uvo, jessica6, zorant, Joe Average, Ragna, ch1983, ropeko, joyal, Circleconstant314, Ours brun, ildiko, NikolaZ, 9797, 97johny, ffricke, steperlich
Full list


on 17. February 2020, 13:00 by Ragna
Wow :-))

on 11. February 2020, 07:46 by Shinya
Changed the comment in question to hidden, so no more spoilers in here

on 11. February 2020, 04:57 by Realshaggy
Please don’t spoil puzzles in open comments !

on 10. February 2020, 10:53 by Shinya
Bitte beachte, dass benachbarte Käfige unterschiedliche Summen bilden müssen, wenn sie nicht durch ein Gleich-Zeichen verbunden sind.

Last changed on 10. February 2020, 11:11

on 10. February 2020, 10:45 by Joe Average
Meine Lösung wird nicht akzeptiert: (EDIT) Vielleicht übersehe ich aber auch was....

Genauso war es. Eine der Regeln überlesen. Nochmal von vorn.

Rating:84 %
Solved:22 times
Observed:8 times

Puzzle variant Filling puzzle

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