Happy International Sudoku Day!
Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each row, column and boldly outlined 3x3-box contains each digit exactly once. Clues inside a small cage give the sum of the digits in this cage. Digits may not repeat within small cages.
Solution code: Row 8, Column 7.
on 30. August 2021, 02:06 by Realshaggy
Added online-solving link, revised labels.
on 1. August 2020, 20:30 by mandourin
Here's a link to play the puzzle online
on 12. October 2019, 00:04 by Realshaggy
Titel geändert
on 13. September 2019, 09:08 by ffricke
Sehr schöner Killer mit schönem Einstieg
on 12. September 2019, 16:44 by Realshaggy
on 10. September 2019, 09:13 by Statistica
Sehr hübsch und ein würdiger "Ersatz" für Richards pausierendes SVS-Sudoku :-)
on 10. September 2019, 08:08 by r45
Sehr schön und der Einstieg ist meines Erachtens auch gut zu sehen.