Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tarot Cards & Numbers, Ep.1

(Eingestellt am 10. September 2019, 10:00 Uhr von gjchangmu)

Rule: Place all the available cards into different blank cells, and fill all remaining blank cells with numbers 1 to 5. Each row and column must not contain repeated numbers or cards. Each card has its own effect.
Note: There may be cells that are already filled with given cards. These given cards are not included in the available cards list.

Card effects:
Blank Card (B): This card has no effect.
Chariot Card (C): Any two adjacent cells in the row this card is placed in must not be consecutive numbers.
Death Card (D): This card must be placed in the rightmost column or the bottom row. There must not be more than one cards that share the minimum spacial distance to this card, i.e. there must be only one card (instead of tied by multiple cards) that is closest to this card. As examples of distances, the distance of two horizontally or vertically adjacent cells is 1, and the distance of two diagonally adjacent cells is square root 2.
Hermit Card (H): The row this card is placed in must not contain number 1.
Judgement Card (J): The immediate adjacent cells above and below this card must be numbers. The number above must be larger than the number below. This card must not be placed in the upmost or bottom row.
Sun Card (S): The adjacent cells surrounding this card (including diagonal ones) must not contain repeated numbers or cards.


For clarification, here is an example:

Lösungscode: Row 2, followed by column 1. Use the initial capital letter of card names to represent cards.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. September 2019, 16:46 Uhr

Gelöst von Luigi, Joo M.Y, saskia-daniela, marcmees, Joe Average, dm_litv, zorant, skywalker, jirk, ibag, ffricke, pirx, Zzzyxas, kishy72, Mody, sandmoppe, marsigel, zhergan, Thomster, jessica6, AnnaTh, pokerke, bob, tuace, ch1983, Alex, moss, ManuH, rimodech, sf2l, Dandelo, flaemmchen, zuzanina, NikolaZ, Ours brun, Nylimb
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am 29. November 2019, 14:09 Uhr von flaemmchen
Jetzt habe ich zwar schon 2 Rätsel aus dieser Reihe gelöst, aber das mit der "Death-Card" immer noch nicht verstanden :(

am 20. September 2019, 08:04 Uhr von AnnaTh
Nice one!

am 14. September 2019, 16:12 Uhr von Mody
thanks :)

am 14. September 2019, 15:07 Uhr von gjchangmu
@Mody the Blank Card in r1c5 and the Blank Card in the available cards list are two cards, i.e. there will be a total of 2 Blank Cards in the grid when solved.

am 14. September 2019, 14:58 Uhr von Mody
In Z3S1 muss eine Karte sein. Blank geht nicht, weil sie schon in der ersten Zeile ist. Chariot geht nicht, weil 1,2 und 3,4 benachbart sind. Death geht nicht, weil er nur ganz rechts oder ganz unten sein darf. Judge geht nicht, weil die "1" darüber nicht größer als die Ziffer darunter ist. Und Sun geht nicht, weil ringsum zwei Einsen sind.
Welche der Regeln habe ich missverstanden?

am 12. September 2019, 12:58 Uhr von ibag
@dm_litv: Thank you!!!

am 12. September 2019, 08:37 Uhr von dm_litv
@ibag In the example:
'B' - is a 'card'; '1' - is a 'number'.
So we have one 'card' at distance 1, and it's OK.

am 12. September 2019, 08:22 Uhr von ibag
For me the definition of distance is quite clear when you mention that it refers to the centers of the cells. But I don't understand the rule at all.

Kann mir das mal bitte jemand erklären? Im Beispiel haben die Karten B und 1 beide den Abstand 1 zu D. Was genau ist hier verboten?

am 10. September 2019, 16:49 Uhr von gjchangmu
I feel that the current definition of "distance" with regard to Death Card may be a bit cumbersome in grid puzzles. What do you think? I'm thinking about changing the definition to the sum of horizontal distance and vertical distance in future episodes. I would need to think about how to clearly describe the new definition too.

am 10. September 2019, 16:46 Uhr von gjchangmu
Edit: add more explanation of "distance" with regard to Death Card.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. September 2019, 16:00 Uhr

am 10. September 2019, 15:58 Uhr von Dandelo
More important: In both examples the cells share at least one point. So the mathematical distance is 0 (OT: independent from the norm). The example shows, that you define it as the euclidean distance of the centers of the cells. You should specify this and/or add an example.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. September 2019, 13:11 Uhr

am 10. September 2019, 13:06 Uhr von gjchangmu
@Luigi, Actually the rule of the Death card does use diagnal distance. For example,
above: the distance of B from D is 1,
above: the distance of B from D is √2 (square root of 2).
Maybe I should use "spacial distance"?

Bewertung:72 %
Gelöst:36 mal
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