Lösungscode: Für jede Zeile von oben nach unten die Länge der längsten Folge von Schwarzfeldern.
am 17. Juni 2022, 20:47 Uhr von Drawoon
penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/2a3whoau
Solution Code: For every row from top to bottom, the length of the longest row of black cells.
am 14. Dezember 2020, 17:18 Uhr von bob
Finally figured this one out. I see I asked a question a long time ago but unfortunately the puzzle got lost or discarded at some point...now perhaps I can try the advent 2020 puzzle
am 9. Februar 2020, 15:47 Uhr von CHalb
Maybe the English instruction here might help as well: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?chlang=en&id=00030M
am 9. Februar 2020, 12:30 Uhr von Dotty
@ibag thanks for your explanation to bob which allow me to understand the rules too. If I understand properly, 2 means there are 2 adjacent black cells in the 4 cells around the number. 1 means 1 of 4 is black. 3 means there are 3. And the other numbers means there are 2 non adjacent black cells, linked by a way of the number indicated of contiguous black cells. Infinity symbol means 2 non adjacent black cells which are not linked.
I'll try it to verify...
am 29. Juli 2019, 21:58 Uhr von ffricke
Hier hab ich etwas länger gebraucht, bis ich die Regeln verstanden habe. Dann war es wirklich schön
am 28. Juni 2019, 17:11 Uhr von Schachus
Diese Rätselart hat echt Potential, finde ich
am 27. Juni 2019, 06:39 Uhr von bob
@ibag: Thank you very much. My German knowledge is getting better (and I have learned a LOT from the portal and the comments) but I mis-translated the first sentence, which seemed to imply that the black squares were all connected to make paths.
am 27. Juni 2019, 05:54 Uhr von ibag
@bob: It's not a coral, because it's not necessarily connected. The infinity symbol means there are two fields around the symbol which are not connected at all. For an example look here https://logic-masters.de/LM/2019/raetsel.php in the instruction for the contest, round 4 puzzles 4.10 and 4.11.
am 27. Juni 2019, 04:12 Uhr von bob
So the black squares form a standard coral with no 2x2 areas (since that would create multiple paths)? And no black squares can go next to the infinity symbols (since even one black square is a path)? I am finding this puzzle completely unsolvable and am not sure if I understand the rules correctly. I can't find any other examples.
am 26. Juni 2019, 22:45 Uhr von pwahs