Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X-Summen mit Zerrspiegeln

(Published on 25. June 2019, 00:00 by ibag)

The digits 1-5 and a distorting mirror are to be entered in each row and column. The distorting mirror sits diagonally in the field and has a concave side, which increases all numbers with the factor 2, and a convex side, which decreases all numbers with the factor 2.

Numbers outside the grid indicate X sums, i.e. the sums of the first X digits in the respective direction, where X is the first digit in this direction. Possibly, the line of sight is deflected by 90 degrees by a distorting mirror, and the digits behind it are doubled or halved.

Example with the digits 1-3:

Notice: If a hint is given, then the required number of fields must also exist. E.g. in the third row of the example there could be no hint on the right.

And here comes the puzzle:

Solution code: Row 3 and column 1. N for a mirror from top left to bottom right, Z for a mirror from top right to bottom left.

Last changed on on 11. August 2020, 10:30

Solved by tuace, Luigi, cornuto, Julianl, Mody, jessica6, saskia-daniela, Zzzyxas, Statistica, geronimo92, sf2l, r45, jirk, ch1983, Nothere, marcmees, lubosh, pokerke, moss, pirx, sandmoppe, KlausRG, Rollo, ... BcVcB, zorant, NikolaZ, Lara Croft, kroutu, psams, zuzanina, Nensche777, ChristJan, Myxo, Danielle, Jesper, polar, akodi, Mark Sweep, Alex, Dotty, KNT, samjna0049, Justalilguy, Echatsum, KORUSA
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on 12. November 2020, 22:18 by zuzanina
Super! Ich hatte echt großen Respekt vor diesem Rätsel, aber dann ging es doch Schritt für Schritt vorwärts...! :-)

on 16. August 2020, 10:32 by psams
Very nice idea. This puzzle has an interesting set of options that emerge.

on 11. August 2020, 10:30 by ibag
Label geändert

Last changed on 17. January 2020, 11:54

on 17. January 2020, 02:16 by Circleconstant314
@jessica6 Thank you, now everything makes sense! I will attempt this puzzle now!

And just like that, I solved the puzzle. Thank you for the explanation! :D

on 17. January 2020, 02:01 by jessica6
@Circleconstant my mistake. Yes, the clue field is included in the sum (previous comment edited).

on 17. January 2020, 01:49 by Circleconstant314

So in other words, the digit indicating the length of the X sum, is NOT used in the actual summation? Also, how in the world does halving a 2 two times yield a result of 0.25? First off, 2/2 = 1. Then, 1/2 = 1/2. How in the world can you get that 1/4, if you don't halve the 2 three times? I'm so confused.

Last changed on 17. January 2020, 01:59

on 17. January 2020, 01:40 by jessica6
(comment edited for better understanding)

@Circleconstant if the first number appears after the mirror, this clue is itself halved or doubled.

In the example, looking down from the 0.25 you see 0.5 1 1.5 due to the convex mirror.
The clue is 0.5, so you have to sum up 0.5 fields, starting with the clue field itself. The sum is 0.5/2 = 0.25

on 17. January 2020, 00:47 by Circleconstant314
The description is very confusing to me. What is considered the "first digit"? Is it the first digit, disregarding mirrors? So in the example, is the first digit for the upwards 0.25 clue in column 1 the 1 in R2C1? If so, how can the sum ever be 0.25? If the mirror halves a digit, should the sum therefore not be 0.5? As a matter of fact, if digits can only ever halve or double, there is no way you can ever get to a number with a decimal point of .25 or .75, you can only ever get to .5. So what's actually happening here? Which digits are used in which sums in the example?

on 25. August 2019, 13:30 by Saskia
Toll !!

on 8. July 2019, 23:35 by Rollo
Genial! ... wenn man's erst mal kapiert hat.

on 27. June 2019, 12:43 by lubosh
Very nice one :-)

on 25. June 2019, 19:44 by Statistica
Sehr hübsch. Und leichter als anfangs gedacht.

on 25. June 2019, 14:15 by Mody
Sehr kreative Idee, hat enorm Spaß gemacht :)

on 25. June 2019, 11:39 by Luigi
@Statistica: Danke!

on 25. June 2019, 10:58 by Statistica
@Luigi. Richtig. 1,5 Felder, also von der halbierten 1 die Hälfte. Macht 0,25. Plus die 1,5 sind 1,75.

on 25. June 2019, 10:39 by Luigi
Ich verstehe die Regeln leider immer noch nicht.
die 5,5 erscheint mir klar:
X=3,die Ziffern 3,2 und die halbierte 1 links vom Spiegel werden addiert.
Die 8 ist mit Deinem Kommentar auch nachvollziehbar. Die 1 wird durch den Spiegel verdoppelt; damit warden zwei Ziffern genommen.
Was aber ist mit der 1,75?
Die Richtung wird nach rechts durch den Spiegel abgelenkt. Dadurch wird die 3 halbiert. 1,5 bleibt stehen. Was bedeutet das nun für das X aus dieser Richtung? Werden 1,5 Felder benötigt? Was bedeutet das?

on 25. June 2019, 08:21 by tuace
Witzige Idee, hat mir super gefallen :). Man muss sich halt auch erst mal gut reindenken...

Last changed on 25. June 2019, 05:26

on 25. June 2019, 03:42 by ibag
@bob: The first number X is doubled or halved, too. E.g. the 8: The mirror points to a doubled 1, so you see two fields, 2x1+2x3=8.

on 25. June 2019, 01:29 by bob
I don't quite understand how this works. In the example on the left there is an 8. The mirror points down to a 1. The first 1 digit is 1; 1 x 2 for the concave mirror is 2. Where does the 8 come from? Similarly 1.75 on the bottom. The mirror points to 3. There are only 2 numbers in this direction. And I think the 0.25 at the top should be a 0.5. Or I am totally misunderstanding the directions.

Rating:96 %
Solved:62 times
Observed:7 times

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