Ripple effect
(Eingestellt am 2. Juni 2017, 13:56 Uhr von zorant)
Rules: Fill the grid with numbers such that in every region every number between 1 and the size of the respective region occurs exactly once. If the same number occurs multiple times in one row or column, there must be at least as many cells with different numbers in between as the number indicates.
Lösungscode: Solution code: Enter the 8 row and 4 column
Gelöst von dm_litv, jessica6, zhergan, Matt, ch1983, jirk, Alex, Joe Average, deu, tuace, Joo M.Y, pirx, marcmees, Jochen, pin7guin, Zzzyxas, sandmoppe, Luigi, sf2l, Nothere, Rollo, Toastbrot, KlausRG, AnnaTh, ... cornuto, Babsi, moss, celisa, relzzup, rimodech, Thomster, marsigel, Mody, skywalker, bob, uvo, Realshaggy, apj, cdwg2000, Julianl, amitsowani, garganega, misko, Nusi, geronimo92, AstralSky, EKBM