Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rätsel im Advent (6): Milchstraße

(Published on 6. December 2015, 09:00 by usp)

Draw a loop into the grid which leads from the center of one cell to the center of a horizontaly or vertically adjacent cell and passes every cell without a number exactly once. If only the eight cells surrounding a number are considered, this number indicates the number of disconnected paths. In cells containing stars the loop bends but keeps straight on in the following cell.

Solution code: From left to right the number of cells in each column in which the loop bends

Last changed on on 31. May 2017, 16:59

Solved by tuace, pokerke, saskia-daniela, Uhu, deu, BFaw, Zzzyxas, pirx, zorant, Luigi, r45, CHalb, dm_litv, Statistica, ch1983, ManuH, Alex, sf2l, ibag, moss, pin7guin, AnnaTh, rob, sandmoppe, Babsi, ffricke, ... Rollo, ildiko, Krokofant, EKBM, matter, derwolf23, Mody, yusaku, Fiffi, mango, Eisbär, NikolaZ, SilBer, jessica6, Toastbrot, JonaS2010, rimodech, Joe Average, Matt, skywalker, Jesper, misko
Full list


on 31. May 2017, 15:51 by jessica6
Nachdem ich kurz zuvor ein Rätsel dieses Typs auf Croco-Puzzle gelöst (und schlecht abgeschnitten) habe, ging dieses Rätsel einfach zu lösen.

on 26. April 2016, 11:11 by Eisbär
This is one of the very few times I don't have any idea how to get things started here... anyone got a clue? :-P

on 30. December 2015, 16:50 by CHalb
Mein Verdacht zum Veröffentlichungsdatum dieses Rätsel bezog sich nicht auf den 6.12., sondern auf den 2. Advent.

on 10. December 2015, 06:17 by ibag
@uvo: ja, genau.

on 9. December 2015, 13:09 by HaSe
beautiful, and really tricky

on 8. December 2015, 13:20 by Danielle
Danke an Ute! Jetzt weiß ich nur noch nicht, wie ich dann anfange. ;-)

on 8. December 2015, 12:59 by usp
Anleitung leicht präzisiert

on 8. December 2015, 07:53 by AnnaTh
Schon jetzt eins meiner Favoriten des Adventskalenders! Danke noch mal dafür!

on 6. December 2015, 20:56 by usp

on 6. December 2015, 10:10 by tuace
Das fand ich sehr sehr schön.

Rating:85 %
Solved:54 times
Observed:4 times

Path puzzle

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