Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Leftovers III

(Eingestellt am 12. August 2015, 11:00 Uhr von RobertBe)

I had made some puzzles for a contest; I don't think I will ever finish it, so I will publish them here.

Starbattle Sudoku - tricky

Put numbers 1-7 and 2 stars in each row, column and irregular shaped block. Stars are not allowed to touch another star, not even diagonally.

Lösungscode: First diagonal from top left to bottom right, then diagonal from top right to bottom left. S for star.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von ibag, saskia-daniela, Katrin K, Alex, ch1983, marcmees, dm_litv, Krokofant, Luigi, tuace, zorant, Zzzyxas, ffricke, skypper, cornuto, HaSe, AnnaTh, r45, pin7guin, flaemmchen, matter, moss, KlausRG, ... Joo M.Y, ildiko, crissu, Hasenvogel, Nothere, verflixt, uwe, uvo, ManuH, zhergan, lutzreimer, Saskia, rcg, marsigel, Matt, Julianl, skywalker, rimodech, NikolaZ, misko, bernhard, Crul, Krokant
Komplette Liste


am 25. Mai 2022, 21:45 Uhr von Crul

Nice one. Challenging and with a smooth solve path.


am 14. August 2015, 09:02 Uhr von r45

Zuletzt geändert am 14. August 2015, 07:17 Uhr

am 14. August 2015, 07:17 Uhr von AnnaTh
Really tricky!

am 13. August 2015, 09:25 Uhr von Krokofant

am 12. August 2015, 12:25 Uhr von RobertBe
Thanks, two more to follow: Zeltplatz Sudoku and Masyu Sudoku. Another idea that I had, have been tested here (Hitori Sudoku); other ideas included Thermometer Sudoku (in which numbers on the outside indicate the number of filled thermometer cells) and Magnet Sudoku in which even/odd numbers would count as plus/minus sides of a magnet

am 12. August 2015, 12:18 Uhr von ibag
What a pity - it would have been a nice contest!

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:65 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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