Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hochhäuser mit Kellern, Teil 1

(Published on 3. July 2015, 18:00 by pirx)

Place buildings in the cells of the left grid. Some buildings have a basement, i.e. their visible height is reduced by exactly 1. For example, only three levels of a 4-building are visible, a 1-building is not visible at all.
The corresponding cells of the right grid contain the basements, which form a cave.

Skyscrapers (left grid)
Each row or column contains different digits from 1 to N (N is the grid size). A digit represents the number of levels of a building.
Clue numbers outside the grid indicate how many buildings are visible from that direction. A building blocks the view of buildings behind it that are of equal or lower height.

Cave (right grid)
A cave system must be found in the grid, that is, some cells must be shaded such that the following conditions are satisfied.
  • The interior of the cave (the white cells) is horizontally and vertically connected,
  • The walls (all the shaded cells) are connected with the boundary of the grid,
  • All cells containing a number are inside the cave; the number indicates how many cave cells can be seen horizontally and vertically from that position, including the cell with the number itself,
  • No 2x2-field is completely inside the cave.


Solution of the example
  • The grid to the left shows the number of levels of the buildings (including basement),
  • The center grid shows the cave. Only buildings on cave cells have a basement,
  • The grid to the right shows the complete solution with the visible heights of the buildings. The little picture below shows the side view of the bottom row.


Solution code: The visible heights of the buildings in the two main diagonals, at first from upper left to lower right, then from upper right to lower left. The solution code for the example would be "2332,4124".

Last changed on -

Solved by BFaw, fridgrer, r45, ibag, Zzzyxas, Joe Average, RALehrer, Luigi, Alex, matter, sandmoppe, ch1983, pin7guin, moss, pokerke, AnnaTh, Statistica, Krokofant, cornuto, adam001, zorant, jalbert, KlausRG, ... ChristJan, MagicMichi, flaemmchen, verflixt, zuzanina, marcmees, rob, ManuH, Matt, ildiko, pandiani42, mango, Mars, Dandelo, jirk, Julianl, StefanSch, amitsowani, polar, KNT, wooferzfg, tuturitu
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on 6. July 2015, 20:53 by cornuto
Das ist ja eine tolle Kombination. Kompliment.

on 3. July 2015, 20:00 by Luigi
Ich durfte diese Rätselreihe testlösen.

Was für ein gigantischer Rätselspass!

Vielen Dank pirx für diese geniale Konstruktionen!

Rating:94 %
Solved:57 times
Observed:6 times

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