Scattered X-Sums Sudoku (2)
(Published on 13. June 2014, 12:00 by Richard)
Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column, bold outlined irregular area and the grey cells.
Numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of the first X digits in the corresponding direction. X is the first digit in the corresponding direction.
Solution code: Row 3, followed by row 7.
Last changed on -
Solved by adam001, zorant, fridgrer, Statistica, pirx, matter, PRW, ch1983, tuace, RALehrer, Alex, sandmoppe, rob, r45, joyal, ManuH, derwolf23, saskia-daniela, AnnaTh, Luigi, zuzanina, flaemmchen, kishy72, ... Saskia, dm_litv, skypper, CHalb, Marian, Uhu, uko50, RobertBe, silesia, Realshaggy, Julianl, CSR94, cdwg2000, kopfball, EKBM, PixelPlucker, misko, Nick Smirnov, geronimo92, Krokant, akodi, rcg
on 17. December 2020, 03:58 by jchan18
on 17. June 2014, 09:44 by pin7guin
Spannend bis zum Schluss!
on 14. June 2014, 12:10 by r45
on 14. June 2014, 09:42 by Alex
so machen die Spass!
on 13. June 2014, 21:54 by Luigi
Nicht einfach ????
Inzwischen ist aus diesem Rätsel ein Galadinner geworden. Genieße gerade die dritte Nachspeise...
on 13. June 2014, 15:20 by Statistica
Sehr schön! Und nicht einfach...
on 13. June 2014, 13:53 by Luigi
Ein vielversprechender Leckerbissen! Vielen Dank! !
on 13. June 2014, 13:07 by flaemmchen
Da freue ich mich schon jetzt auf das Dessert ;-))