Rundweg zu Fuß (1)
(Published on 25. March 2013, 20:39 by CHalb)
Slither link slithered by foot
Draw a single continuous loop by connecting neighboring dots along the dotted lines. The loop may not touch or cross itself and it doesn't need to touch all of the dots.
The loop is walked through by foot: One edge between two dots with the left foot, the next one with the right foot and so on. The numbers in the fields indicate how many edges of a cell are used for the loop by one of the feet (same foot for all numbers).
In the solution the counting edges are drawn with continuous lines.
Solution code: The sizes of the areas outside the loop starting top left and going clockwise (21 for the example)
Last changed on on 17. June 2016, 15:24
Solved by BFaw, adam001, matter, Ute2, Toastbrot, ManuH, kiwijam, moss, r45, Luigi, rimodech, pwahs, deu, MiR, saskia-daniela, Alex, pokerke, Hansjo, ibag, zorant, Zzzyxas, dm_litv, Rollo, ch1983, derwolf23, ... Mars, cornuto, jirk, PRW, Danielle, tuace, rob, Joe Average, sf2l, Uhu, uvo, Dandelo, Matt, kaberg, Oskama, usp, ildiko, jessica6, xiao01wei, EKBM, amitsowani, Joo M.Y, misko, helle, Raistlen, DK_48
on 17. June 2016, 15:24 by CHalb
Tippfehler in der Lösungscodebeschreibung korrigiert
on 4. April 2016, 20:11 by CHalb
Anleitung präzisiert
on 9. August 2015, 12:14 by CHalb
Gemeint ist immer der gleiche Fuß.
on 9. August 2015, 01:42 by uvo
Muß es immer der gleiche Fuß sein, oder können manche Zahlen den linken und manche Zahlen den rechten Fuß beschreiben? Die Rätselregeln sagen meines Erachtens letzteres, dann ist aber schonmal das Beispiel nicht eindeutig.
on 30. March 2013, 15:24 by flaemmchen
Da muss man sich aber erstmal reindenken ;-))
Gute Idee