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CrocoPuzzle Adventskalender 2011
Instructions: Draw a T-shaped pattern into every cell. You'll get this pattern drawing a diagonal and than half of the other diagonal. Doing this rooms result. In the rooms, there are numbers. These numbers give the size of the rooms they are in. The used unit is a quarter of the size of a cell.
Example | Solution |
Solution code: The third row. Use the letters Q (top left), W (top right), A (bottom left) and S (bottom right) to indicate in which direction the stem of the T points. In the example the first row would be QSQ.
on 12. February 2013, 13:24 by berni
Stichwort hinzugefügt
on 12. December 2011, 16:57 by CHalb
Da bin ich aber froh, dass grad zur Halbzeit noch ein weiterer Rätseltyp im Adventskalender aufgetaucht ist. Ich hatte schon Befürchtungen wie es wird, wenn die bisherigen weiter auftauchen und immer schwieriger werden.