Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Renban sudoku

(Eingestellt am 7. März 2011, 22:47 Uhr von Fred76)

Classical rules of sudoku,
Grey cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive digits, in any order.

I'm preparing grids for a tournament. This one was not adapted for the tournament, but it is adapted for logic-masters.de (I hope).

Lösungscode: Row 4, followed by column 2.

Gelöst von pin7guin, dm_litv, saskia-daniela, ibag, Luigi, zorant, Katrin K, flaemmchen, Alex, Hansjo, miez, MiR, pokerke, zuzanina, ch1983, Mody, Realshaggy, julius64, Kekes, rakesh, Nothere, Ute2, geibthor, ... tuace, NikolaZ, ildiko, skypper, Julianl, Matt, moss, kishy72, bismarck, Danielle, skywalker, Ours brun, cdwg2000, CSR94, rcg, amitsowani, HolyFracker, lubosh, juventino188, geronimo92, jalebc
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 16. August 2015, 16:28 Uhr

am 16. August 2015, 16:26 Uhr von Joe Average
I'm sure it's pure coincidence, but I was a bit disturbed by the fact that the shape of the marked areas resembles a swastika. Maybe it would be better to mirror the design left to right?

am 8. März 2011, 10:26 Uhr von saskia-daniela
Danke schööön!

am 8. März 2011, 08:46 Uhr von ibag
@saskia-daniela: Glueckwunsch zur 1000! ;-)

Bewertung:77 %
Gelöst:97 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal


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