Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hybrid Sudoku with Renban Groups II (Anti-Knight, Diagonally Non-Consecutive, Non-Touching)

(Eingestellt am 26. Januar 2011, 07:22 Uhr von zhergan)

Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 standard block. The following three rules must be satisfied:

*** Cells connected with a chess-knight move could not contain same digits.

*** There exist no diagonally neighbouring cells with consecutive digits.

*** Two same numbers can not touch each other diagonally.

Besides grey painted cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive digits, in any order.

Lösungscode: First give the contents of Row 3 and Column 7, then give the digits which are included at least in 3 (out of 4) different renban groups ascending in order.

Zuletzt geändert am 16. August 2021, 00:31 Uhr

Gelöst von saskia-daniela, rimodech, Statistica, suse, Katrin K, Le Ahcim, flaemmchen, Hansjo, Realshaggy, zuzanina, Luigi, sternchen, zorant, Rollo, derwolf23, Mars, Laje6, Alex, ManuH, ibag, pokerke, Saskia, ... jessica6, skywalker, NikolaZ, Joo M.Y, rcg, cdwg2000, Raistlen, ParaNox, SudokuExplorer, SKORP17, KatiBru, TJReds, helle, Crul, Isfan, jgarber, PinkNickels, jalebc, Novisnage, sockerbecca, forsen
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am 11. Januar 2023, 06:12 Uhr von TJReds
here's a penpa link: https://tinyurl.com/2egp2waj

am 16. August 2021, 00:31 Uhr von zhergan
Tags revision..

am 16. August 2021, 00:29 Uhr von zhergan
Tags and labels revision..

am 29. Januar 2011, 12:16 Uhr von Eisbär
Das war ziemlich leichter wie das ersten Teil :-)

am 26. Januar 2011, 20:10 Uhr von miez
Das ging erstaunlich leicht. ;-)

Bewertung:82 %
Gelöst:101 mal
Beobachtet:17 mal

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