Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Snack 3: Buchstabensalat

(Eingestellt am 30. Dezember 2010, 17:17 Uhr von RobertBe)

Enter the letters from 'A' to 'E' into the diagram, so that in every row and every column every letter occurs exactly once. The letters at the borders indicate the letter that comes first in the corresponding row or column; the box in the middle is not part of the grid, but contains letters that indicate the letter that comes first in the row and column (!!!) as seen from that point of view. In every row and every column one (middle rows and columns) or three fields (outside 3 rows and columns) remain empty.

Lösungscode: Row 3, then column 7. Use - for empty cells.

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am 31. Dezember 2010, 11:33 Uhr von Mody
Lief schön logisch durch :)

am 30. Dezember 2010, 17:37 Uhr von ibag
Schöner Snack, danke!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:121 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal


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