Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bunter Sächsling 2010

(Published on 24. December 2010, 18:00 by Pyrrhon)

Colorful Saxonian Sextuplet

I wish you all a merry christmas!

Fill out the grid with tetrominoes (4-units) in the colors red, blue and yellow. Tetrominoes of the same color can touch each other only on the corners.

  1. Pastel Garden: The red, yellow and blue arrows indicate which is the color of the next tetromino in the specified direction.
  2. Don't Arrows: The black arrows are banning arrows. In direction of the arrow the color of the cell with the arrow may not occur again in another cell.
  3. Colorful Borders: An orange line is between a red and a yellow cell, a green line between a yellow and a blue cell. A purple line is between a blue and a red cell.
  4. Kinshi: The tetrominoes on the edge indicate a tetrominos that you can not see in the row or column. You can also see no part of it. The tetrominos on the edge could be rotated, but not be mirrored.
  5. Color square: The colored squares on the edge indicate the color of the first square (2x2 tetromino) in the column or row.
  6. Yonbun (with three colors): The color in a circle indicates the color most frequently occurs in the immediate neighbourhood.

Solution code: The colors of the two main diagonals, first from top left to bottom right, then from upper right to lower left. R for red, B for blue and G for yellow.

Last changed on -

Solved by ManuH, Alex, pokerke, Oskama, sandmoppe, Saskia, Luigi, Mitchsa, Statistica, Le Ahcim, saskia-daniela, ibag, martin1456, zuzanina, rimodech, Realshaggy, ffricke, zorant, flooser, pin7guin, CHalb, AnnaTh, uvo, PRW, rakesh, rob, Richard, ch1983, Mody, Zzzyxas, RobertBe, joyal, MiR, tuace, RALehrer, matter, pirx, mango, ildiko, Babsi, dm_litv, moss, sf2l, NikolaZ, ChristJan
Full list


on 7. June 2011, 11:34 by AnnaTh
Total schönes Rätsel!

on 24. January 2011, 20:01 by Realshaggy
Frohes Fest!

Hat auch dieses Jahr wieder sehr viel Spaß gemacht, Stück für Stück gehts gaaaanz langsam vorwärts. Sowas könnte ich nie konstruieren, bräcuhte bestimmt dreimal soviele Restriktionen weil ich nie abschätzen könnte, ob man da nun wirklich nix mehr rausquetschen kann.

on 12. January 2011, 23:31 by ibag
Wunderschön!!!! Danke!

on 30. December 2010, 22:31 by Statistica
Super Rätsel, danke!

on 25. December 2010, 13:08 by Alex
die haben mir letztes Jahr schon toll gefallen, was waere Weihnachten ohne Saechslinge;)

Rating:94 %
Solved:45 times
Observed:5 times

Puzzle combination Shading puzzle

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