Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 18. August 2010, 11:50 by yureklis)

Numbers to the left and on the top of the grid show the lengths of black blocks in the corresponding row or column in order. There is at least one white cell between the blocks. A loop (formed by vertical and horizontal segments) goes through centers of all white cells, without crossing itself.

This puzzle was first made in 2006 by Riad Khanmagomedov for IPST. [http://diogen.h1.ru/english/ipst.html(Please use explorer)- 2006 Round 4 - Puzzle Number: 5]

And also Riad made for 9th 24 HPC (Link is broken at WPF Forum)

Solution code: Write the lengths of horizontal loop segments in the 5th, 9th,14th and 18th rows, left to right and top to bottom.

Last changed on on 18. August 2010, 23:14

Solved by Statistica, ibag, Laje6, Le Ahcim, Realshaggy, PRW, pwahs, zuzanina, CHalb, logik66, pokerke, saskia-daniela, sandmoppe, joyal, Javier Rebottaro, Thomster, flaemmchen, cornuto, RobertBe, ffricke, ... relzzup, Joo M.Y, pirx, Uhu, Katrin K, tuace, marsigel, Joe Average, akodi, NikolaZ, ildiko, dm_litv, Babsi, jirk, Matt, Julianl, skywalker, amitsowani, misko, puzzler05, Raistlen, EKBM, Krokant
Full list


on 5. April 2024, 18:41 by Krokant
Oldie but goldie. This was fun. :)

on 8. September 2011, 15:32 by Saskia
Vielen Dank ;) Jetzt!

Last changed on 7. January 2011, 14:32

on 7. January 2011, 14:32 by yureklis
Saskia, you missed last digit in answer code.

on 7. January 2011, 00:30 by saskia-daniela
@Saskia: gemeint ist, daß ein ganzes Kästchen "1" zählt und ein halbes Kästchen eben nur "1/2"... Ein anderes "Problem" gab es beim Lösungscode nicht, soweit ich es erinnere (habe die Lösung leider nicht mehr...)

on 14. October 2010, 03:03 by hopppe
Schönes Rätsel mit einem suboptimalen Lösungscode!

on 21. September 2010, 21:43 by HaSe
nice design,

but isn't there an "A" missing?


on 25. August 2010, 11:40 by miez
Sehr schönes Rätsel, hat Spaß gemacht! Nur die Eingabe des Lösungscodes fand ich etwas seltsam und ohne den Kommentar von ibag ...?

on 22. August 2010, 07:43 by ibag
@Luigi: Nichts von dem was Du vorgeschlagen hast, sondern gar nichts eingeben. Mit Länge ist hier die wirkliche Länge des Liniensegments gemeint, also die Anzahl der benutzten Kästchen minus eins.

on 21. August 2010, 11:25 by cornuto
Vielen Dank für dieses tolle Rätsel. Hat riesigen Spaß gemacht.

on 18. August 2010, 21:48 by logik66
Very nice puzzle

on 18. August 2010, 15:50 by ibag
Großartig konstruiert! Hat Spaß gemacht!

on 18. August 2010, 15:27 by yureklis
I am so sorry!! I checked the solution code several times, but i made two mistakes. Please try again to enter the solution.

I am so sorry!

on 18. August 2010, 14:43 by ibag
It's a pity nobody can read yureklis' comment. ;-(

Rating:88 %
Solved:87 times
Observed:4 times

English knowledge Path puzzle

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