Lösungscode: Zeile 4, gefolgt von Spalte 4.
am 24. Dezember 2023, 17:07 Uhr von Nick Smirnov
am 16. Mai 2013, 11:58 Uhr von Richard
Typo fixed in English instructions.
Funny that this wasn't noticed earlier in the past (almost) three years.
am 15. Juli 2010, 16:55 Uhr von CHalb
The basic IDea immediately reminded me of "America" from Leonard Bernsteins West Side Story. And taking that 2x3/3x2-rhythm I come to the rhyme:
Well and sometimes bigger ones as well ;-).
I hope you get the IDea even with this proportional font.
am 12. Juli 2010, 20:52 Uhr von CHalb
Considering the smallness it's surprising interesting.
am 10. Juli 2010, 20:07 Uhr von logik66
Nettes, kleines und gut konstruiertes Rätsel. Auch bei 37 Grad lösbar.
am 10. Juli 2010, 18:55 Uhr von ibag
Klasse konstruiert!
am 10. Juli 2010, 18:51 Uhr von Alex
and here they are already, those 2x3s. :D