Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Color Fillomino

(Eingestellt am 10. Juni 2010, 22:27 Uhr von zhergan)

Actually each color corresponds to a number between 1 and 7. Find the corresponding numbers and obtain a valid fillomino puzzle to solve. Here is the definition of a fillomino puzzle:

Fillomino: Dissect the diagram into areas and write a number in every field. The numbers in the area have to be the same and have to tell the number of fields in that area. Areas of same size may not touch horizontally or vertically, but may touch diagonally.

Hint: If you translate the numbers in your solution into colors you will see only 5 initially given colors, e.g. there can't be any other color in your final solution. Also the following condition must be satisfied if the sizes of regions in fillomino are considered:

blue < orange < yellow < green

Lösungscode: For each line the number of regions in this line, from top to bottom

Zuletzt geändert am 10. Juni 2010, 23:04 Uhr

Gelöst von ManuH, Toastbrot, ibag, swotty, suse, saskia-daniela, Le Ahcim, Alex, Luigi, ffricke, joyal, Mody, Rollo, derwolf23, Thomas Meier, zuzanina, hopppe, Statistica, Lohnecke, Nothere, Rollie, Saskia, ... adam001, Julianl, amitsowani, skywalker, NikolaZ, Krokant, athin, misko, Raistlen, Mark Sweep, cdwg2000, milo, SudokuExplorer, Dugong, CJK, TJReds, Jordan Timm, Terrapin, yayitsHannaH, hirassy
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am 4. Januar 2023, 00:49 Uhr von TJReds
penpa link: https://tinyurl.com/2mlxz2nx

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Juni 2010, 22:42 Uhr

am 11. Juni 2010, 20:31 Uhr von CHalb
The concept of a Krypt-Fillomino is a very good idea. I hope, we get more of this.

@Chalb: Hi Christian, thanks for your words and solving the puzzle. I'll try to add similar designs later on.


Zuletzt geändert am 11. Juni 2010, 16:52 Uhr

am 11. Juni 2010, 16:52 Uhr von Saskia
Die Hitze ... Dachgeschosswohnung ... ;-) Danke Alex!

am 11. Juni 2010, 14:51 Uhr von Alex
@Saskia: du hast das ganze Raetsel eine Spalte groesser gemacht!!!???

am 10. Juni 2010, 23:18 Uhr von ibag
Aha, das ändert ja alles. ;-) Nette Idee!

am 10. Juni 2010, 23:06 Uhr von zhergan

I forgot to give the color blue for the condition given in the hint part although it was there in my notes. Sorry for that.


am 10. Juni 2010, 22:40 Uhr von ManuH
Der Lösungscode stimmt aber nicht so ganz. Zeile 3 anschauen!

Bewertung:74 %
Gelöst:125 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Rätselvariante Zerlegungsrätsel Kryptorätsel

Lösung abgeben

