Serial Killer Einstieg - Flats
(Eingestellt am 9. Januar 2010, 03:10 Uhr von RobertBe)
I was working on a Twin Killer by Richard, when my girlfriend said that a Dexter episode was about to run on tv. She saw what I was doing, and suggested that it might be fun to create a puzzle called Serial Killer. I have been working in this direction, saw that it could also be applied to different puzzle types than Killer Sudoku, so here is the first result of my labor.
Each row or column contains skyscrapers of different height (from 1 to 6);
one number is missing per row. Numbers outside the grid indicate how many skyscrapers are visible from that direction. Lower skyscrapers are hidden by higher skyscrapers.
The missing numbers are all different.
Lösungscode: Erst die Hauptdiagonale von links oben nach rechts unten, dann die Hauptdiagonale von rechts oben nach links unten.
Zuletzt geändert am 9. Januar 2010, 03:18 Uhr
Gelöst von Javier Rebottaro, saskia-daniela, logik66, Alex, mathezwerg, Hansjo, sandmoppe, Luigi, zuzanina, ibag, hopppe, pokerke, Mody, Le Ahcim, joyal, pin7guin, Saskia, Realshaggy, derwolf23, flaemmchen, ... KlausRG, jessica6, Julianl, sinchai4547, amitsowani, kopfball, NikolaZ, Dandelo, AndreasS, NinaS, rcg, athin, misko, Raistlen, CJK, jogerth, helle, nmk1218, abadx, losingreallybadly, Jordan Timm
am 16. Januar 2010, 22:08 Uhr von Giselher
I don't like skyscraper puzzles that much, so i decided to skip this one for quite a while. But when i finally gave myself a shove, i liked it much better than i expected - solving it was quite different from solving "normal" skyscrapers, at least for me.
am 9. Januar 2010, 14:24 Uhr von Mody
Nice idea :)
am 9. Januar 2010, 12:55 Uhr von ibag
Nice one, thank you!