ABCtje für Georg und Jörg
(Eingestellt am 10. Dezember 2008, 00:00 Uhr von Richard)
This small puzzle is dedicated to the MR-team: Jörg and Georg.
I have enjoyed their optimizers in the last months very much. They have
done a wonderful job, so in my opinion, they both deserve 100 points.
Thank you guys!
The other words in the puzzle come from their Monatsrätsels so far.
All used letters have a different value from 1 to 16. The numbers behind
the names/words are the sum of the letters of that name/word.
Lösungscode: The value of the F.
Zuletzt geändert am 22. November 2009, 20:55 Uhr
Gelöst von saskia-daniela, uvo, Rollie, Hausigel, bergelfe, Javier Rebottaro, AnnaTh, sf2l, Barbara, pwahs, Matt, mango, RobertBe, Saskia, berni, zuzanina, Statistica, Rollo, Senior, lupo, Ute2, CHalb, ... Ours brun, misko, CJK, EKBM, hirassy, Nick Smirnov, Jordan Timm, sinchai4547, SXH, Lara Croft, KathAnn, Niverio, MicroStudy, Myxo, wisty, damasosos92, goodcity, martin1456, Echatsum, Sewerin, brimmy
am 22. November 2023, 23:23 Uhr von wisty
This was so smooth! Definitely one of my favorites in this genre. Thank you for sharing!
am 15. August 2021, 13:48 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
am 12. Dezember 2008, 09:52 Uhr von AnnaTh
Jörg and Georg definitely deserve 100 points. But also
all puzzlemakers. Thank you all!!!!
am 10. Dezember 2008, 07:21 Uhr von Statistica
Thank you very much für this wonderful christmas gift, Richard. I will show it Lisa, perhaps we can solve it together :-)