Lösungscode: Anzahl der Felder innerhalb des Rundwegs
am 11. Juni 2024, 08:12 Uhr von sockerbecca
I enjoyed this one! But I did not understand the rules correctly when translating the German ones. Once I saw the English version in the penpa+ I realized how it was supposed to be, so I'll paste them here in case someone else is helped by this :)
"Draw a single continuous loop by connecting neighboring dots along the dotted lines. The numbers indicate how many edges of a cell are used for the loop. The loop may not touch or cross itself, and it doesn't need to touch all of the dots."
am 27. Juni 2023, 02:38 Uhr von DiMono
Penpa+ url: https://tinyurl.com/yckc37
am 15. August 2021, 13:34 Uhr von uvo_mod
Anfänger-Label entfernt.
am 19. April 2011, 16:08 Uhr von berni
Englische Version.