Stairway to Heaven (with .proxz14)
(Published on 26. February 2025, 22:56 by ghaia)
This is definitely not a reference to the Led Zeppelin song. proxz and I were messing around with constraints, and this is what came out. Hope you all enjoy!
-Normal Sudoku rules apply; place digits 1-9 such that they do not repeat in any row, column or box.
-Normal Thermometer rules apply; digits strictly increase away from the bulb.
-Normal Renban rules apply; place a consecutive set of digits in any order along the purple line.
-Normal Palindrome rules apply; the grey line must read the same from both ends.
-Normal German Whispers rules apply; consecutive digits along a green line must have a difference of at least 5.
-Normal Region Sum Lines rules apply; digits in a blue line have the same sum in each box that the line goes through. Digits may repeat within a sum line if other rules allow it. Different sum lines may sum to diferent numbers.
- Normal Arrow rules apply; digits along the arrow must sum to the digit in the circle.
-Normal Kropki rules apply; digits separated by a black dot must have a 1:2 ratio, digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive.
-Normal XV rules apply; digits separated by an X must sum to 10, digits separated by a V must sum to 5.
-Normal Maximum rules apply; the digit in the shaded cell is larger than all orthogonal cells.
-Normal Odd rules apply; the digit in the cyan circle must be odd.
-Normal Killer rules apply; digits in a killer cage sum to the total written in the top left corner of the cell and may not repeat within it.
Sudokupad Link
Solution code: Row 6 from left to right.
Last changed on on 26. February 2025, 22:59
Solved by .proxz14, kkli, DanishDynamite, Greg, MontanaPearl, Steven R, StevenS, Krisonium, rlg, tgstar, mathpesto, MarkSud, jadezki, rictech, doomedmageknight, jalebc, Kyhl, LehanLehan, flaemmchen, Photyne, PinkNickels, SKORP17, Sus, neverlucky, jordanza, dingledork, JayBird, Platypuzzle , Montikulum, dickey
Last changed on 27. February 2025, 17:42on 27. February 2025, 15:25 by PinkNickels
Love the mish-mash of variants...very fun.
ghaia: glad you enjoyed!
Last changed on 27. February 2025, 12:25on 27. February 2025, 05:19 by rictech
Fun puzzle! I like a lot of rules when they come together well, and this did not disappoint. Thanks!
ghaia: Glad you enjoyed! This took waaaaay too long to make haha
Last changed on 26. February 2025, 23:01on 26. February 2025, 23:00 by .proxz14
Hey! thats not what we agreed on for the name!! (stariway to heaven) :)
ghaia: No typos under my watch!
on 26. February 2025, 22:59 by ghaia
Fixed typo on title (oops).