Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mountain Climbing

(Published on 26. February 2025, 15:36 by Fenners)

Been playing around with different sized grids and the different logic that comes with it. Hope you enjoy!

Puzzle: Mountain Climbing


10x10 Sudoku Rules apply. Place the digits 0 - 9 once in every row, once in every column, and once in every 2x5 box.

Arrows: Digits on an arrow must sum to the digit in the bulb.

The Sun: Digits separated by the yellow sun must be in a 1:2 ratio.

Falling Rocks: Digits separated by Grey Rocks must sum to 5.

Solve Online in SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 1, left to right, 10 digits with no spaces:

Last changed on on 26. February 2025, 20:59

Solved by jalebc, gotem, IvoryLinnie, XhcnoirX, Postnormal, Fizz, unlogical, mellowrobinson, 9Rookienumbers, SKORP17, ryannn, mcc, Greg, Notlob, Dermerlin, rictech, tiredsudoku, softie, superdog, aaalexx, ... koba1917, ole-1995a, Stolle, Elliebot, Kcafecalb, josemadre, metacom, zeniko, zrbakhtiar, Tripodocus, Montikulum, Ol-Jay, NEWS, DozingSongbird, Raistlen, Leek169, Crul, geronimo92, rcg
Full list


on 27. February 2025, 17:55 by Moonsinh
Really fun puzzle! The green arrow is funny just by itself, and the brown arrows all had cool logic to figure them out! Still very approachable, I would say. Good job!

on 27. February 2025, 09:54 by wilsig
„The sun“ is not required for the solution

on 26. February 2025, 21:24 by superdog
Fun puzzle! Take some care to internalize the rules as I nearly immediately forgot and started treating the gray dots as white dots, whoops!

on 26. February 2025, 20:59 by Fenners
Correct digits specified in puzzle.

Last changed on 26. February 2025, 21:23

on 26. February 2025, 20:22 by Dermerlin
Nice puzzle zhx for posting it.
In the SudokuPad explanation is a small mistake.
The explanation says "place the digits 0-10" instead of "0-9".

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Ah yes I corrected it on LMD but forgot to update in the puzzle, thanks for letting me know. --Fenners

Rating:95 %
Solved:81 times
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