Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Schrödinger's Pseudoku

(Published on 27. February 2025, 19:37 by starwarigami)

Normal Sudoku rules (mostly) apply.

Place the digits 0-9 in the grid so that there are 10 digits in each row, column and box (to enable this there is a single Schrödinger cell in each row, column and box that contains two digits) and (almost) no digit repeats in any row, column or box.
(Each unique digit may appear twice in exactly one row, column OR box. No more than one digit may repeat in any row, column, or box.)

The value of a cell is the sum of the digits it contains.
The values of cells separated by a white dot are consecutive.
The values of cells separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 relationship (i.e. one is double the other).
The values of cells separated by an X sum to 10.
The values of cells separated by a V sum to 5.
Not all dots, Xs and Vs are necessarily given.

Sudokupad link

Mini Pseudoku puzzles: Other full-size puzzles in this series:

Solution code: Row 9 (left to right) - 10 digits, no spaces

Solved by SKORP17, TripleABattery, Da Letter El, AzureFire, SirWoezel, kublai, Sotehr, spectria.limina, gfoot, henrypijames
Full list


on 28. February 2025, 18:08 by henrypijames
It's got quite a bite at the end - when a hitherto undiscovered principal consequence of the ruleset comes into play ... 4⅓ for me.

on 28. February 2025, 14:46 by gfoot
This was really nicely done - challenging rulesets but I also felt that where to look next was usually fairly clear and allowed me to chip away at it nicely

on 28. February 2025, 07:11 by spectria.limina
An infuriating but beautiful journey into the depths of what happens when you combine two already tricky rulesets that limits the amount of deductions you can make ... And the answer is a really tough nut.

The break in was a lot of fun, and progress was steady in the middle game. The combination of Schrodinger cells and pseudoku really takes a way a lot of the usual sudoku logic... Very cleverly done

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