Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Interior Decoration

(Published on 25. February 2025, 19:08 by Belamis)

Sudoku: Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Killer: Digits do not repeat in cages, and sum to the digit in the top left corner.

Hidden Window 1: Digits may not repeat in any 3x3 area centered on a 1 (Or 2x3 if on an edge).

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Previous Hidden Window Puzzles
Nine Cages
Eight Quads
Five Palindromes

Solution code: Column 8

Solved by AzureFire, Greg, Ephen, arbitrary, gige, ___, Joyofrandomness, tiredsudoku, Chelo, StevenS, SKORP17, lmdemasi, mezkur7, Tank, jimhorse, Marcos, b413x, jackseas, starfall, BlackWolf, Killer-Ly , IntegralHamster, efnenu, Statistica, Julianl, Partario, cmigas, salientropy, butch02, dipiz, Smartacus
Full list


on 26. February 2025, 10:15 by Tank
Nice puzzle, interesting rule set. Fun solve

Rating:86 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:0 times

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