A new type of line has dropped. This puzzle was meant to introduce this line called 'Window Line'. So, enjoy and comment your time!!
1. Normal sudoku rules apply.
2. A set of three sequential cells along the turquoise line must contain one digit from (1,5,9), (2,3,4), and (6,7,8).
3. Digits joined by a white dot are consecutive. Digits joined by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio. Digits joined by an X must sum to 10. Digits joined by a V must sum to 5. Not all dots and XV's are given.
Do have a go!
Link(with solution check): CTC
Solution code: Column 1
on 28. February 2025, 20:16 by FJL
Really enjoyable! Thanks for sharing. Would rate it 1.5 out of 5 for difficulty.
on 26. February 2025, 06:24 by Landry
I turned this into a coloring book (one color for each set of digits). Flowed quite nicely.
on 25. February 2025, 23:10 by AlteredStates
Very cool ruleset! Really enjoyed it
on 25. February 2025, 17:29 by fallean
I really enjoyed the line!
on 25. February 2025, 17:26 by Platinum
Great fun puzzle
on 25. February 2025, 16:34 by PinkNickels
I didn't read instructions carefully...it is not a modulo line!! haha. Fun one.