Solution code: Row 6.
on 28. February 2025, 13:22 by bcreturnee
on 26. February 2025, 17:42 by KingIsulgard
10:33, darnit! no bonus :(
wasted too much time pencilmarking
@KingIsulgard Your pencilmarking skills will do well for you when you tackle my next puzzle, coming out in about 9 1/2 hours. 8-) Peace to you. -Will Power
Looking forward to your next puzzle, as always! Always a delight. - KingIsulgard
on 26. February 2025, 14:20 by ppdswiss
A fun Phistomephel without ever needing to use the Phistomephel logic! But it's too tempting not to highlight that square ring anyway...
@ppdswiss Thanks for playing and commenting. Peace to you. -Will Power
on 25. February 2025, 16:13 by saturnic
on 25. February 2025, 10:49 by wilsig
25 minutes, no bonus. Found break-in not easy.
on 25. February 2025, 00:07 by cfunkmi
on 24. February 2025, 23:51 by cfunkmi
on 24. February 2025, 23:31 by Landry
It took me a little over an hour. (I'm a slow solver haha) It was really fun even though I'm nowhere close to those bonus points!
on 24. February 2025, 19:47 by metacom
15:11. Took a while to really get started, but once I did went very fast.
on 24. February 2025, 13:54 by Karitsu
Good fun!
on 24. February 2025, 11:00 by Guillem98
8:05 got the bonus :D
@Guillem98 Your time is excellent! So close to the double bonus. No one has posted a lower time yet...... 8-) Peace to you. -Will Power
on 24. February 2025, 10:29 by Chelo
21:38, no bonus points for me :(
on 24. February 2025, 09:44 by drbs
I could use new hedge trimmer. Where can I redeem my points?
Put it on my tab. 8-) -Will Power
on 24. February 2025, 07:58 by Dermerlin
20 minutes no bonus