Chaos Construction: Divide the grid into nine orthogonally connected nine-cell regions. Place the digits 1-9 into each row, column, and region.
Echo Lines: Indigo lines are filled with a repeating sequence of different digits. The sequence must appear at least twice along the line and must always appear in its entirety.
**No digit may appear on more than one echo line.**
Echo Chambers: For each echo line, each iteration of its sequence must be contained entirely within one region.
Arrows: A digit on an arrow indicates the number of region borders in the direction of the arrow. A cell with multiple arrows counts the number of borders in each direction separately. The outer edge of the grid is not considered a region border.
**All possible arrows are given.**
Circles: A digit in a circle indicates the number of region borders seen from that cell in all orthogonal directions combined.
Kropki Dots: Digits separated by a black dot must have a ratio of 2:1 (i.e. one must be double the other).
Solution code: Row 7, left to right, with / indicating region borders. (e.g. 12/3456/7/89)
on 28. February 2025, 03:05 by GoodMorningCallum
An amazing puzzle. I love chaos constructions, and this is one of the best I've done! I found it brutally hard, and thought I was making a meal of it at times, but I'm so glad I persevered. Thank you!
on 26. February 2025, 19:01 by pecha_berrie
WOW, what a phenomenal construction!!! Chaos puzzles like this are always my favorites, and this one is truly brilliant! :]]]
on 26. February 2025, 10:17 by gfoot
Great work, very enjoyable and never too hard to see what to look at next
on 25. February 2025, 11:02 by marcmees
Extremely nice . Thanks
on 24. February 2025, 23:50 by Elliott810
Brilliant puzzle with the most powerful negative constraint I can remember! Thank you:)