Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cage of War

(Published on 23. February 2025, 08:20 by Donatello_86 )

Cage of War

This puzzle was set for Sevenatenine birthday. This puzzle works similarily to fog war, except placing a colour might reveal part of a cage.


1. Place the digits one through nine once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.

2. Shade in two colours, that both colours form two orthogonally connected regions. One of the colours will represent negative values and the other positive values. No 2x2 region is fully one colour. Place a colour in the cell once it is determined to be either a positive or negative value.

3. Values in cages sum to the value of the top left corner of the cage. Standard killer cages. Digits do not repeat in a cage. Cages do not overlap. The cages will become known from the colouring. Pre-Colouring is not needed. Darker colours will make the cages more visible.

4. Values separated by a white dot are consecutive.

5. Values separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio. One value is twice the amount of the other.



Solution code: Row 2 followed by column 2. No spaces.

Last changed on on 23. February 2025, 08:40

Solved by Lissa41585, Notlob, redgecko, butch02, SudokuFan, kroutu, jkuo7, Yawnus, miranda_9, Snookerfan, cryptique, SeveNateNine, Joyofrandomness, kublai, SKORP17, Asphodel, Wahaj, SenatorGronk, Baklin, ... schnitzl, Flinty, olliwright, akamchinjir, Chelo, Isael, sze, Voidslime, smckinley, Chefofdeath, OJPS, totem_mapr, b413x, heliosfant, Shmartus, mccuskp, mercierus, yttrio, koicoy, br3akingp01nt
Full list


on 24. February 2025, 13:04 by Visumation
Thanks a lot. Great puzzle with a very nice flow.

on 23. February 2025, 20:27 by larmoejr
Thank you for the puzzle.

on 23. February 2025, 20:05 by MattYDdraig
Really interesting concept and a neat mix of yin-yang logic with the killer and kropkis.

on 23. February 2025, 19:59 by Oddlyeven
A wonderful puzzle with interesting logic and a concept I hadn't seen before!

on 23. February 2025, 16:09 by Snookerfan
Very nice puzzle, great idea! Thank you

Last changed on 23. February 2025, 13:51

on 23. February 2025, 13:49 by VitP
exactly. chocolate can be nice ... in moderation, but there are soooooooooooooo many types of cake.

what we CAN say with absolute certainty is that THIS puzzle is worth consuming

Rating:97 %
Solved:62 times
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