Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

What Number Am I Thinking Off

(Published on 22. February 2025, 16:07 by Br1312te)

Solve on Sudokupad


Pick five digits from 1-9. Place those five digits in each row, column, box, and along the diagonals.

German whisper line: digits connected along a green line differ by at least 5.

Parity: digits on a grey square are even. Digits on a grey circle are odd.

Maxi/Mini: digits on a square containing arrows pointing outwards are larger than their orthogonally adjacent neighbors. Digits on a square containing arrows pointing inwards are smaller than their orthogonally adjacent neighbors.

Kropki dots: digits connected by a white dot are consecutive.

Love, Brigitte

Solution code: Row 3 from left to right (5 digits in total)

Last changed on on 22. February 2025, 18:54

Solved by Visumation, JetTong, Joyofrandomness, Fizz, Fisherman, luisdcnt, jcg5a, Dermerlin, tiuhto, jalebc, latters176, damo_89, SKORP17, Adaki, micjo, Felis_Timon, Golden_Agent, PiMaster9, Lego7656, cmigas, ... johnreid, sandbo00, peep50183, olliwright, ParaNox, moss, Bisbi, BenTen, garycblack, jobs2554, Tompzini, oezi, Raistlen, Blei42, Ashryn, drifting, SanFranSam, NickTheGreek, mogest, Supertaster
Full list


on 28. February 2025, 20:09 by Supertaster
A hint for anyone trying to get started: coloring helps

on 28. February 2025, 02:11 by SanFranSam
After chasing rabbits down dead end paths. I finally figured out how to attack. Several false starts and finally finished it. too embarrassed to say how long it took.

on 24. February 2025, 23:33 by firespire
The fact the arrow cells are grey doesn't make them even necessarily.

Fun Puzzle. Thanks

on 24. February 2025, 17:08 by PuzzlePatzer
very satisfying! :)

on 23. February 2025, 23:33 by Jensa
Very nice!

on 23. February 2025, 20:07 by GeorgeTheToad2
Short and sweet.

on 23. February 2025, 16:32 by sdlay2
Very nice!

on 23. February 2025, 07:24 by PatMac
Fun. Thanks

on 23. February 2025, 02:24 by fishsaltyak
So much fun!

on 22. February 2025, 23:29 by Peteronium
What a cutie

on 22. February 2025, 23:29 by Peteronium
What a cutie

on 22. February 2025, 19:33 by Lego7656
Very clever :)

on 22. February 2025, 18:54 by Br1312te

on 22. February 2025, 16:24 by Visumation
Nice snack.

Rating:94 %
Solved:126 times
Observed:0 times

Variant combination Even/Odd coded puzzle

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