Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Richard's Bouncy Castle Birthday Party

(Published on 23. February 2025, 00:55 by Lizzy01)

Happy birthday Richard!

I wasn't planning for this to be as hard a puzzle as it turned out, nor for it to look this minimal. I could hardly say "no" when I bumped into this layout though, could I?


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits in shaded cells are greater than all orthogonally adjacent digits in unshaded cells.

Clues outside the grid are the sum of the digits up to and including either the first odd or the first even digit in the corresponding direction. This may be a single cell sum.
These sums may bounce of the edges of the grid and continue at a 90 degree angle.
(Bouncing Parity Party)


Play here.

Solution code: Column 4

Last changed on -

Solved by tuturitu, SirWoezel, bansalsaab, smckinley, Snookerfan, Elliott810, TripleABattery, SKORP17, Franjo, Briks, palpot, Dentones, OutOfMyMindBRB, sze, Spider, bianbianPEI, lmdemasi, AzureFire, chiya, Isael, Richard, Clara123, brewring, Johan, prodigis, Vodakhan , softie, mahdiosm, madhupt, Da Letter El, mercierus
Full list


Last changed on 25. February 2025, 17:10

on 25. February 2025, 16:50 by madhupt
Wonderful puzzle! Very smooth once you get the break-in. There were so many a-ha moments on the way. It’s beautiful how everything falls into place finally. Thanks for sharing this. Deserves to be featured on CtC.

--Thank you! Please recommend it to them, in that case.

Last changed on 24. February 2025, 21:27

on 24. February 2025, 20:01 by Richard
That was once more a very nice and very clever puzzle from you! Thanks again for this nice birthday gift! :)

--Thank you!

Last changed on 23. February 2025, 19:57

on 23. February 2025, 19:12 by Franjo
Hard - but so amazing! What a wonderful present this is. Thank you very much for creating and sharing, Lizzy01. And: Happy birthday, Richard!

--Thank you for solving and commenting!

Last changed on 23. February 2025, 18:49

on 23. February 2025, 18:21 by Elliott810
Brilliant puzzle! Beautiful balanced interactions between the constraints. Thank you:)


Last changed on 23. February 2025, 13:29

on 23. February 2025, 13:18 by Snookerfan
Superb puzzle full of very clever steps! Thank you


on 23. February 2025, 13:06 by Richard
Thanks for this nice present Lizzy!
As soon as my birthday festivities are finished, I will take a look at it. (Tomorrow the earliest.)
It looks like a very promising new variant too! :)

Rating:97 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:1 times

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