Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pacing Back and Forth

(Published on 22. February 2025, 00:08 by FullDeck-Missing)

Standard sudoku rules apply: The digits 1 through 9 appear in every row, column, and box.

Palindromes: Digits along a palindrome line read the same forwards as backwards along the line.

Cages: Digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum to the value shown in the upper left corner of the cage.

Ratio pairs: Cells separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are necessarily given.

We categorized this puzzle as Indigestion. For more information about our difficulty categories, please visit our website, Missing Deck Puzzles, where we publish a new puzzle each day.

Try the puzzle on the SudokuPad app by Sven Neumann.

Other Puzzles by FullDeck and Missing a Few Cards

Solution code: Row 9, left to right, 9 digits no spaces

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Solved by ananth, MontanaPearl, jcg5a, HighEagle, tetchytomcat, ash810, Greg, Willkimo, noodlehead, nicolacroft1, gamlesvarten, rictech, Sralser, tuturitu, PinkNickels, cmigas, ukjohnd, thomamas, LukeGiglio, ... varbrad, ParaNox, jobs2554, Raistlen, Ungesundheit, koiking, mogest, Uattanscethe09, geronimo92, jordanza, Supertaster, Malfiory, yusuf17, SanFranSam, rojspencer, tsosquad, NickTheGreek, Kgoat
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on 24. February 2025, 20:29 by jaeger_puzzles
Wonderful puzzle, lots of fun! Thank you!

Last changed on 24. February 2025, 08:39

on 24. February 2025, 08:39 by GT-R Penguin
Lovely puzzle with great flow - thank you!

on 22. February 2025, 20:08 by sujoyku
What an approachable and fun puzzle! Thank you very much for setting and sharing, FullDeck-Missing!

on 22. February 2025, 19:04 by superdog
Very fun!

on 22. February 2025, 15:57 by GeorgeTheToad2
Lovely jubbly. Thanks both.

Rating:93 %
Solved:176 times
Observed:1 times

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