Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Every Which Way

(Published on 21. February 2025, 22:54 by Gerhard1963)

Every Which Way

"I Numeri" gave me the idea to combine arrows with other constraints.

  • Irregular Regions: Every row, column, and region indicated by thicker borders within the grid must contain a complete set of the digits 1-9.

  • Diagonal: Digits along a marked diagonal cannot repeat.

  • Kropki pairs: Digits in cells separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are necessarily given.

  • Arrows: Digits along an arrow must sum to the number indicated in the circle or pill from which the arrow emerges. Multi-digit pills are read top-to-bottom or left-to-right.

  • Counting Cages: Any digit N that appears in any green circle or pill must appear in N green circles or pills.

My Puzzle Catalogue

Solution code: The digits on the positive diagonal (from bottom left to top right).

Solved by SKORP17, kkli, Bjd, jalebc, jwsinclair, alfalfa, therealsillypenguin, Snookerfan, NEWS, Smartacus, palpot, AnebodaSlatorp, dunder, GeorgeTheToad2, brimmy, Wahaj, tuckerbucket, Myreque, ... dipiz, Tompzini, Crul, cavarthis, Leodesian, sergiomlduarte, Nagesh, jonathanwolff, lukeyy, TonalAnswer, Montikulum, Baryonyx, megabat, abadx, NeilGirdhar, Firmus, Zeddecks, breitfuss
Full list


on 25. February 2025, 20:47 by namko
Wasn't too troubling, although I did spend a few minutes too many staring blankly at the screen. Very fun puzzle and great flow!

on 24. February 2025, 20:55 by BrianO
Perhaps I pencil marked too much, but I actually found it tricky at the end. Stared for a long time, and ended up having to bifurcate to resolve.

on 24. February 2025, 20:21 by arctan
very smooth flow, loved that the diagonal seemed to help out in every which way at exactly the moments i wanted it to be helpful

on 24. February 2025, 18:01 by VitP
very strange for this site" the STATED difficulty is much higher than its ACTUAL difficulty. 1.5, maximum

on 24. February 2025, 15:55 by 9Rookienumbers
Amazing puzzle, it felt natural like a 1*.

on 24. February 2025, 14:44 by HumanBirdsong
Outstanding puzzle, well done!

on 23. February 2025, 20:34 by MarthaB
Fantastic puzzle. Thank you!

on 23. February 2025, 12:12 by GeorgeTheToad2
Enjoyed that very much. Thank you.

on 23. February 2025, 00:38 by AnebodaSlatorp

Last changed on 22. February 2025, 22:57

on 22. February 2025, 22:56 by palpot
Lovely puzzle!

on 22. February 2025, 18:49 by Snookerfan
Lovely puzzle! Thank you

Rating:94 %
Solved:79 times
Observed:2 times

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