Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 21. February 2025, 21:18 by SkepticalMario)

Fishtomefel by Skeptical Mario


Sudoku - Place a digit from 1-9 into each cell without repeating in a row, column, or 3x3 box.

Modular Lines - Any set of three adjacent digits must have three different remainders when divided by 3.

Killer Cages - Digits in a cage sum to the number in the top left corner.

Ratio Kropki - Of two digits separated by a black dot, one must be double the other.

Difference Kropki - Digits separated by a white dot differ by 1.

Play the puzzle on Sudokupad

I hope you enjoy the puzzle! :-)

Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 23. February 2025, 02:48

Solved by gdc, seeppp, Piff, gnidan, tuturitu, TrivialHomology, mathpesto, Smartacus, shodskga, sandmoppe, SKORP17, damo_89, sze, gxorgx, AnebodaSlatorp, mutex, SirWoezel, IamNumberN, Vodakhan , Elliott810, ... Kyhl, Stargazing Albatross, ofsmul, QuiltyAsCharged, mercierus, trashghost, greyhathero, stramosk, jcgodart, y00j1n, Luaryo, Nagesh, abadx, Joyofrandomness, geronimo92, W1n5t0n, RebelSystem, EmX68
Full list


on 25. February 2025, 22:34 by greyhathero
Color me impressed. Super fun

on 25. February 2025, 06:30 by QuiltyAsCharged
Such a fun idea, and perfectly executed! He's so much less intimidating in piscine form

on 23. February 2025, 13:42 by Demparo
Fun puzzle with a perfect difficulty for me, to get a tricky but doable one.

on 23. February 2025, 02:48 by SkepticalMario
Fixed silly typo in rules

on 22. February 2025, 19:23 by prodigis
Beautiful break in and beautiful fish!

on 22. February 2025, 14:11 by Snookerfan
Very nice! I definitely enjoyed this. Thank you

on 22. February 2025, 13:31 by Visumation
Really nice puzzle.
I don’t know if I did the intended break-in, but really enjoyed it. Thanks

on 22. February 2025, 13:14 by Franjo
Wonderful break-in, funny picture, perfect setting! Thank you very much for creating and sharing this lovely puzzle.

on 22. February 2025, 12:27 by Tilberg
I saw a bunny, running to the left and turning around.

on 21. February 2025, 23:46 by damo_89
Cute fish

on 21. February 2025, 22:44 by TrivialHomology
It was a very colourful fish in my solve! Thank you for the nice puzzle ;-)

Rating:96 %
Solved:105 times
Observed:1 times

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