Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cracked Window

(Published on 21. February 2025, 18:06 by 99%Sneaky)


#1 Normal sudoku rules apply.
#2 Digits along thermometers must continuously increase from the bulb end to the tip.
#3 Digits along purple lines form a non-repeating consecutive set, in any order.
#4 Adjacent digits along green lines must have a difference of at least 5.
#5 Digits in large white circles must appear once in the four surrounding cells.
#6 Digits in cells separated by a small white circle are consecutive.
#7 The digit on the grey square is even.

Play on SudokuPad/CTC App

Solution code: Column 1

Solved by jalebc, SKORP17, tuturitu, keesh, Piff, WarriorKitten, jadezki, TroublesomeOrca, fuxia, Willkimo, Bjd, forsen, JustDoggy, sedici, Vodakhan , rameshsrivats, Snookerfan, RebelSystem, Rex, ... doomedmageknight, JayBird, nmmc123, S4K, killer_rectangle, belnovic, b413x, macronate, abed hawila, strangelyinsane, AN_not_IO, MissLisa, neverlucky, Nagesh, Default, GeorgeTheToad2, dpsy, Asphodel
Full list


on 25. February 2025, 23:38 by GeorgeTheToad2
Very clever setting. Had to work hard to solve this gem.

Rating:91 %
Solved:41 times
Observed:0 times

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