(Published on 20. February 2025, 18:53 by Neokart)
Hi everyone. Here is my new puzzle. I hope you like it.
Normal sudoku rules apply: Each row, column and 3x3 box contains each digit from 1 to 9 exactly once.
Solve on SudokuPad
Have fun solving!
More classic sudokus:
Y Becomes X
Triple Integration
Solution code: Column 9, top to bottom.
Solved by jalebc, Ambrose, Fizz, SKORP17, SXH, Tulrak, Greg, Killer-Ly , Arlo Lipof, kkli, SeveNateNine, seeppp, jhuijts, forsen, salientropy, Marcos, bugsduggan, Carolin, Artsy, rudaass, ElimGarak, wilsig, b413x, tgstar, DedaKosta, Mozart40, efnenu, synth, marcmees, dickey, sedici, backermalaker, galgamer, asdfg, 3ffer, Djirt, H.I. McDunnough, paranoid, EmX68, damo_89, Kyhl, jonmag
on 21. February 2025, 10:53 by rudaass
So long I did not do classic sudoku and I was lucky to do this one, thank you :)