Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Jellyfish in the Fog

(Published on 21. February 2025, 02:20 by fogpictures)

Solve with Sudokupad
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• Normal Sudoku rules apply.
• Adjacent digits along a green German whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.
• Digits along a magenta renban form a set of consecutive non-repeating digits in any order.
• Digits along each grey thermometer must increase starting from the bulb end.
• A black dot between cells indicates cell values with a 2:1 ratio. A white dot between cells indicates cells with consecutive values. Not all dots are shown.
• Digits along a blue line create a sumline where the sum of digits on a line within a particular 3x3 box must be the same for all the boxes the line passes through.
• Digits along an orange Dutch whisper line must have a difference of at least 4.
• The digits along each arrow must sum to the digit in the circled cell.
• The board is covered in fog. Place a digit correctly and the fog will lift around it.

Solution code: Enter digits in the first row.

Solved by mathpesto, 333sudoku333, Greg, kublai, Sralser, saturnic, MarkSud, sarabtx, Dermerlin, asynchronous, bbutrosghali, thomamas, jalebc, Kirra, EFlatMinor, fallean, ark29, Fizz, Killer-Ly , boredwillow, ... Thomster, higgonia, ole-1995a, dzamie, whtshername, qwerjk, edisonlied, Roberto, adigan, kapostolou, TeddieMilo, Frutlop, Syzygy, carolpuff, chrysalis, azsuth, Raistlen, TheGrand547, underdude
Full list


on 24. February 2025, 13:53 by Inge
Very nice puzzle!

on 22. February 2025, 23:19 by Friedhelm
Well done!

on 21. February 2025, 21:37 by Tank
Fun quick solve. Thank you for setting

on 21. February 2025, 18:16 by superdog
Fun puzzle!

on 21. February 2025, 14:51 by Karitsu
Excellent puzzle! I also did not need to make any assumptions.

on 21. February 2025, 13:31 by fishsaltyak
Smooth puzzle. Didn't have to make any assumptions during my solve.

Rating:94 %
Solved:208 times
Observed:0 times

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