This puzzle was set for round 1 of a setting tournament, where me and my opponent had to set a hybrid of two genres of our choosing. In this round, I picked U-Bahn and my opponent picked Oyakodori. Enjoy!
U-Bahn: Draw a connected loop network through the centers of some cells, which may branch or turn, but must not have any dead ends. A clue outside the grid indicates how many times the corresponding line shape (i.e. a cross, branch, straight line, or turn) appears in the corresponding row or column, irrespective of the line shape's rotation.
Oyakodori: Draw lines along dotted edges (not including the edge of the grid) to move each given circle into a nest (connected gray squares). Movement lines cannot cross or overlap each other or themselves, nor go through start- or endpoints of other lines. Every nest must receive a black and a white circle.
Interaction: The U-bahn network cannot go through nests. Movement lines of black circles cannot cross the U-Bahn network. Movement lines of white circles may cross the U-Bahn network, but there cannot be two adjacent edges that cross the network.
Solution code: for each row besides the last, the number of u-bahn lines leading down from that row
on 26. February 2025, 12:03 by BloodbuzzCorio
What a brilliant puzzle! Thanks for sharing it Myxo!
on 25. February 2025, 00:54 by ONeill
on 24. February 2025, 14:30 by MagnusJosefsson
Fantastic, very fun and original!
on 22. February 2025, 14:15 by Piatato
Awesome puzzle, great fun all the way through!
on 21. February 2025, 19:06 by Jesper
Awesome, thanks!
on 21. February 2025, 02:48 by KNT
on 20. February 2025, 02:42 by wisty
This was such a goated matchup. Great puzzle
on 19. February 2025, 23:40 by RJBlarmo
Interesting ruleset and definitely a very fun solve!
on 19. February 2025, 18:08 by Agent
Every step of the puzzle was fantastic, the combination of the rules is perfect and keeps the flavor of both genres, loved the connectivity logic and unique interactions!
on 19. February 2025, 14:24 by Niverio
It was a pleasure to judge this, absolutely incredible puzzle!
on 19. February 2025, 14:10 by dumediat
This is one of my favorite puzzles in at least the past year. Congrats again on your round 1 win, and thank you for this gem! :D