Solution code: The positive diagonal, starting from R9C1 and ending on R1C9.
on 24. February 2025, 21:31 by Tobias
Great design, smooth logic, lovely puzzle!
ghaia: thank you so much :D glad you enjoyed!
on 21. February 2025, 12:49 by Big Tiger
I may have missed some easy logic in the beginning because after the first digit, getting the second one was a pain in the neck. After that it flowed quite nicely.
ghaia: oops, sorry about that, glad you found the rest fun though!
on 21. February 2025, 12:27 by Big Tiger
Reading the comments ... a lot of us have done 18 total digits for years now. Y'all will be able to handle it just fine. ;-)
ghaia: haha don't worry, maybe i'll use 18 digits on something more complex someday
on 20. February 2025, 12:47 by Myxo
Fun indeed, thanks!
ghaia: Thank you for solving! Glad you found it fun :)
on 19. February 2025, 15:36 by PinkNickels
Really fun. Seemed like there were many options to start and solved the puzzle. thanks for sharing.
ghaia: Glad you enjoyed! Thank you for solving :)
on 19. February 2025, 12:17 by Playmaker6174
Quite fun puzzle overall, and welcome to the setting world x)
ghaia: Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed ;)
on 19. February 2025, 08:36 by ghaia
Edited solution code.
on 19. February 2025, 08:33 by Squiz
Fun puzzle but solution code too many numbers. 1 row or column is perfect
ghaia: Noted, thank you for feedback and comment :)
on 19. February 2025, 02:40 by gamlesvarten
Fun puzzle, nice setting! Just one note; 18 digit solution code is excessive, a 9 digit one is standard and enough :)
ghaia: Thank you for the comment and the advice! I shall keep it in mind for the future.
on 19. February 2025, 01:34 by VitP
a good, solid level 2 puzzle
ghaia: thank you for the kind words!
on 18. February 2025, 23:36 by Lorena
Yay! Great puzzle, we want more!
ghaia: Hopefully, if I manage to get my ideas to work, you will have a bunch more soon :)
Thanks for the nice comment!
on 18. February 2025, 23:27 by .proxz14
Love the symmetry of the puzzle, and the fact that everything is facing upwards. It's ascending. Solves smoothly Looking forward to see more of your puzzles :)
ghaia: Thank you! Wonder where I got the inspiration for the name from :) Thank you for the nice comment!
on 18. February 2025, 23:27 by ghaia
Edited image to reflect updated puzzle.