Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 18. February 2025, 13:28 by DarkBeamIta)



Normal sudoku rules apply.

The yellow cells are a magic square, all its rows and columns (but not necessarily diagonals) sum to 18.

The green line contains a palindrome sequence.

SOLVE ONLINE (original): https://f-puzzles.com/?id=24mwnkpu

SOLVE ONLINE (ty xocolatl!): https://sudokupad.app/q9qdios25n

Solution code: 2nd and 8th row

Last changed on on 18. February 2025, 14:54

Solved by xocolatl, TrivialHomology, efnenu, PinkNickels, AKropki, BorisTheSnake, kkli, jalebc, Joyofrandomness, Adaki, SenatorGronk, ImperfectRainn, slowbiex, Mozart40, NEWS, GG_70, Postnormal, metacom, ... tgstar, stafen, Slumped_5, TroublesomeOrca, Gizmo, rcg, jordanza, zrbakhtiar, pahughes71, saskia-daniela, AlexanderRichards, killje, muule, r0the, teuthida, Banana, buzzle24, Nonio7, pepe74287
Full list


on 18. February 2025, 14:55 by BorisTheSnake
xocolatl, thanks for the sudokupad link. This felt like a 1*.. nice and easy solve

on 18. February 2025, 14:53 by DarkBeamIta
+ added Xoco's link. I did not really think about using the magic rule outside of it, very unusual idea :) thanks so much for the kind comments :)

on 18. February 2025, 14:31 by PinkNickels
One of the stranger puzzles I have solved in a while--and in a good way. Many times when I solve, I find puzzles to be rather similar to other puzzles solved in the past. For some reason, this one felt unique in a fun way. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed it. I started with color the palindrome, then mostly used the 18 rule to eliminate numbers outside the magic square, then use the rule of 18 inside the square at the end. Was that the intended path? Maybe it was fun because there are so many solve tree options.

on 18. February 2025, 14:20 by TrivialHomology
Fun and very approachable puzzle, perfect for my lunch break. Thank you!

Last changed on 18. February 2025, 14:13

on 18. February 2025, 14:12 by xocolatl
Fun puzzle, thank you!

Here is a sudokupad link for those who prefer it:

Rating:83 %
Solved:64 times
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