Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 14. February 2025, 14:39 by RockyRoer)

The Rules:

  1. [Sudoku] Fill every row, column, and 3x3 box with the digits from 1 to 9 once each.
  2. [Killer]: Digits cannot repeat in cages.
  3. [Greatest Common Factor] Numbers in boxes between cages represent the Greatest Common Factor of the products of the digits in each cage.
    • Ex: If one cage contains 2,3,5 and the the cage next to it 3 4 and 6, then the first cage has a product of 30, the second a product of 72, and their greatest common factor would be 6.

An Example:

Try the example on Sven's Sudoku Pad.

The Puzzle:

Try it on Sven's Sudoku Pad.

Solution code: Column 9

Solved by StefanSch, TripleABattery, SKORP17, Yawnus, Franjo, MattYDdraig
Full list


on 17. February 2025, 19:40 by MattYDdraig
Beautiful matching of the clues to the boxes, and impressive to not need anything else.

on 15. February 2025, 12:50 by Franjo
An extraordinary puzzle with an impressive setting! Incredible that you were able to find a construction with all GCF sitting in their own boxes… Thank you so much for creating and sharing this wonderful masterpiece.

on 15. February 2025, 11:46 by Yawnus
A phenomenal puzzle both in concept and in design! I can't understand why this masterpiece has so few solves. Maybe people are just scared to death about anything that refers to multiplication... even if very little is actually needed.

on 14. February 2025, 15:57 by StefanSch
Nice idea! Impressive, that so few hints are sufficient.

Solved:6 times
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