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Solution code: Row 4
on 15. February 2025, 14:29 by Agent
Great idea, tricky to get started!
on 15. February 2025, 10:59 by Piatato
on 13. February 2025, 01:47 by crossoverdoc
Loved this puzzle ! Was excited when I saw this posted today thinking that I would get to solve a puzzle before CTC puts out their video on it.. got the youtube notification that this was todays puzzle as I was halfway done! Looking forward to watching Simon’s solve now
on 12. February 2025, 18:16 by Jesper
Excellent, thanks!
on 12. February 2025, 15:27 by Playmaker6174
Wow, it took me so long to appreciate what's going on at the beginning - even though it should've clicked with me a lot faster, but the logic buildup was so neat and it led to such a gratifying breakthrough in the middle and then a fun flow later on! Thanks for this lovely puzzle :)
on 12. February 2025, 14:01 by madhupt
Such a wonderful setting and smooth solve! For me, it took some time to start and it was really beautiful when r3c3 showed its power on a particular nabner line unravelling the puzzle in one fell swoop. Beautiul! It would be fun to watch Simon’s inevitable solve and compare his solve path. Thanks for sharing this.
on 12. February 2025, 12:12 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle, brilliant break-in and superb flow from there! Thank you
on 12. February 2025, 07:18 by rameshsrivats
Brilliant puzzle, as always
on 12. February 2025, 03:40 by askaksaksask
No surprise this is brilliantly set. I really enjoyed how thin the solve path was, just a few pointed questions at the beginning of the solve unlock quite a bit of rich interaction, none of which is immediately apparent at first glance. A great flow, indeed. Truly a joy. Thank you!
on 12. February 2025, 00:39 by Silverscree
Always a treat Jay, thank you! I look forward to the inevitable CTC solve in the coming week, because my pencil marking was so chaotic in the break-in and I would like to see it more clearly explained.
on 12. February 2025, 00:22 by Fool on Hill
Beautiful puzzle - economical with crystal clear logic